Boost Your Business Growth Opportunity With 2D Animated Explainer Videos


Every successful business needs a website that needs to be the most effective in introducing the business’s basic idea. Stellar video is a platform that allows companies to create animated explainer videos, which gives a perfect lively introduction to the business.

What are animated explainer videos?

The portfolio of stellar videos includes whiteboard animation, motion graphics, animated videos, corporate videos and walkthrough videos. These animations are used to make a video that explains to the viewer what the website consists of.

What is the importance of animated explainer videos? 

The animated explainer videos meet the unique branding needs and requirements of the companies. It is also a  helping hand in boosting the marketing and PR of the businesses as it tells about the perks of the business in a unique manner so that several customers are attracted to it.

Insight into the working of animated explainer videos 

2D animated explainer videos which are fully customised and one of a kind. The video that is delivered to the client is unique and is not replicating automated character animation software. The video stands out and creates a fantastic brand image such that only with a single glance of the video the business and the website becomes well known.

The videos use correct visual language so that the business’s message reaches the viewers most exquisitely and briefly. As a result, the viewers get a clear understanding of the business you are dealing with.

The animated videos are all made so that it gives a world-class look, even if your company is based in any part of the world, the video made for you suits the company very well.

What are the types of animated explainer videos?

The types of animated explainer videos are Whiteboard animation, motion graphics, corporate videos and walkthrough videos.

  • The whiteboard animation is highly preferred for an explainer video. It uses primary and simple images and a static illustration to entirely mimic the drawings made on an actual whiteboard so that the video is understandable by every viewer. 
  • The corporate videos are entirely different as they use actual photographs and short videos while creating the explainer video so that the viewer gets to know practically about the fundamental idea which is being conveyed. 
  • The walkthrough videos basically contain all the informative things, like training videos for the employees, giving ideas about the working of any particular software etc.


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